The most famous list of software development. Part 1, Definition of Ready
The article tells about one of the most famous lists in software development, the Definition of Ready.
The article tells about one of the most famous lists in software development, the Definition of Ready.
In this article, we look at the approach of one of the Internet users to day planning with the help of two lists.
Some people wear bracelets on their wrists. Other people wear watches or smartwatches. The bravest ones wear checklists.
In the third part of the article, we build the checklists into the knowledge work for the second time by transforming them into templates.
In the second part of the article, we build the checklist into the knowledge work using software tools and automatization.
In “The Book of Lists” published in 1977, there is a curious list called “15 prehistoric things alive today.” Let's take a look at how did the past 50 years go for its members.
Checklist is a first instrument to work with the complexity of life but it is far from being the last one. This article depicts the transformation of the checklist into the physical instrument.
Counting is a very common and almost invisible phenomenon. However, it provides many opportunities, and can even be dangerous.
Not every checklist is useful, even if you use a free checklist template. This article describes the steps of creating a good checklist.
“The Checklist Manifesto” book considers all possible errors to be caused either by ignorance or by ineptitude. This seems insufficient from any perspective.
The entire visible Internet unanimously declares that the checklists appeared after the crash of the “Model 299” military aircraft. This article shows that this is completely wrong, and the history of checklists is much more interesting.
There are books on many topics, and there are books about lists. Are they as usual as the topic itself? No, quite the opposite!