Operational definition
The Longest Operational Definition
In one of the recent articles, we were introduced to the operational definition. This material will introduce the longest one known to humanity.
Operational definition
In one of the recent articles, we were introduced to the operational definition. This material will introduce the longest one known to humanity.
The Book of Lists
Sealing a message in a bottle and throwing it into the sea seems like a very romantic activity. Here is a list of 7 real-life examples in this article.
Operational definition
Sometimes you talk to someone about something particular only to find out that you talk about different things. Let's see how list can help you find the common language.
Jane Bluestein, a speaker on parenting and school education, wrote a book of lists for parents in 1997. There is a list of harmful tips, and we will look into it here.
Johnny Cash, country music legend, wrote a to-do list. Let's look at it.
List purpose
Lists and checklists change over time to better achieve their goals. But the goals are also changing. Let's look at the work of this changeable mechanics in this article.
There are many different versions of “The Book of Lists”. But how many?
Jonathan Swift, author of “Gulliver's Travels”, at his 32 wrote older himself rules for behavior. Let's take a look at them in this article.
The article tells about the even more famous list in software development, the Definition of Done.
Registering extinct species is an unreliable procedure. There were several cases where it failed. Find out what species were erroneously thought as extinct.
About two lists by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, full of love and admiration, for the 225th anniversary of the famous Russian poet.
Maxim, the hero of today's “So Real List” does a lot. Let's see how he manages this with the help of the TickTick application.