So Real List
So Real List. Stress Coping Techniques from a Schoolteacher
We all experience stress. Teachers experience more stress than ordinary people. How do they handle it? Let's find out.
So Real List
We all experience stress. Teachers experience more stress than ordinary people. How do they handle it? Let's find out.
The third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, once gave 10 good life advice to a newborn. Are they still good today? Let's find out.
Fundamental concepts
Goals and to-do lists should be related somehow. Yes, they do. Let’s see their indirect connection from the perspective of productivity and efficiency.
The Book of Lists
Penguins are cool. And also big, small, stylish, romantic and scientific. How so?! Read the facts about penguins, find out!
The Book of Lists
Children of the world write their Christmas lists in letters to Santa Claus or his brothers and sisters in spirit. But how do they do it in different countries? Let’s discover!
Fundamental concepts
A list is a phenomenon that does not particularly need definitions. It is unlikely that anyone will want to look into the dictionary to find out what it is. Is there anything to say about it?
The Book of Lists
Elements of the periodic table are sometimes named after people. Often intentionally, and sometimes accidentally. Read the details in this article.
To-do list
Alexander, the hero of this “Real List”, organizes his activities using the Singularity App. Let's study his methods.
The Book of Lists
Modern Halloween stories are well known to many. But what did people think of this holiday centuries ago? Five spooky tales at your service.
The Book of Lists
How many inventions do you think come from Australia? Probably not very much? That’s very far from the truth, Australians are very inventive.
Why are Grandma's things in order? She knows how to use lists to manage them.
Lists of Note
People drank in different eras. But how did they get drunk in the Renaissance?