Method of Productivity. A Stable Checklist
Can a checklist that doesn't change over time be useful? Absolutely. One such checklist has been faithfully serving humanity for over 70 years.
Can a checklist that doesn't change over time be useful? Absolutely. One such checklist has been faithfully serving humanity for over 70 years.
It seems that creative tasks are not about the checklist at all. That's not so. There is also a special flexible type of checklists that can be useful.
Fundamental concepts
Goals and to-do lists should be related somehow. Yes, they do. Let’s see their indirect connection from the perspective of productivity and efficiency.
Fundamental concepts
A list is a phenomenon that does not particularly need definitions. It is unlikely that anyone will want to look into the dictionary to find out what it is. Is there anything to say about it?
Fundamental concepts
What is a checklist? Turns out it's more than you can think of.