Fundamental concepts
Goal. To-Do List. What Is the Difference?
Goals and to-do lists should be related somehow. Yes, they do. Let’s see their indirect connection from the perspective of productivity and efficiency.
Fundamental concepts
Goals and to-do lists should be related somehow. Yes, they do. Let’s see their indirect connection from the perspective of productivity and efficiency.
An article about those aviation checklists you've never heard of before. The post is co-written with Alexander Khvan, who worked at Airbus for 14 years.
Operational definition
In one of the recent articles, we were introduced to the operational definition. This material will introduce the longest one known to humanity.
Paper checklists are not perfect. Let's take a look at their problems, documented more than 20 years ago by the Boeing company.
In the second part of the article, we build the checklist into the knowledge work using software tools and automatization.
Checklist is a first instrument to work with the complexity of life but it is far from being the last one. This article depicts the transformation of the checklist into the physical instrument.
Not every checklist is useful, even if you use a free checklist template. This article describes the steps of creating a good checklist.
“The Checklist Manifesto” book considers all possible errors to be caused either by ignorance or by ineptitude. This seems insufficient from any perspective.