So Real List. Pets of Remote Workers
These days, many people work remotely. Who helps them live and work more joyfully? Pets! Let’s take a look at which ones.

Social Life of the “So List” Blog
It is well known that humans are social creatures. It turns out that not only humans, but blogs as well, are quite social. They occasionally interact with other blogs, look for shared interests, and then develop them into publications and mutual references.
During these pre-New Year days, the “So List” blog met the “Remote Turtle” blog online and chatted about shared interests. It turned out that in life, wherever you look, you almost always stumble upon a list, so finding common ground was fairly easy.
The Remote Turtle blog, as its name suggests, writes about the remote work. One of its recent articles is A Comprehensive Guide For Designing Pet Friendly Offices At Home. This article served as an inspirational post for the one that you read at the moment.
For insights into designing pet-friendly offices, refer to the blog post from above. The purpose of this post, however, is to share what kinds of animals remote workers have as pets.
Searching for Pets
It seems that after the pandemic, there are now a great many remote workers on our planet. While it’s impossible to cover the entire diversity of their pets, we can ask people, read existing writings, and look at historical perspectives. That’s precisely what we’ll do.
So this will be a real list, not only in terms that it’s built from the collaboration with the “Remote Turtle” blog, but also because there were several people questioned while preparing it.
So, the List of Pets of Remote Workers

Dog owners responded to the question and the poll in Threads. One owner shared that they adopted their beagle during the lockdowns, and the pet became so accustomed to always seeing them at home that now protests whenever they leave the house.
Other owners, among their family of pets, have a dog as well. One might think it would be more well-behaved than the others, but no. It’s the biggest source of chaos.
Remote work is not an invention of our times. History surely has excellent examples of “remote workers” and their pets. Ernest Hemingway is representing dogs in this article. By the way, he was recently featured in the blog.


In the category of remote workers with cats, I, the author of this blog, fit as well. From experience, I can say that while cats possess an intellectual charm, they are capable of remarkable foolishness. Admittedly, I’ve never owned dogs, so my opinion might not be definitive.
Among the respondents, of course, there were cat owners as well. Some of them took in their pets from the streets. Others see how their cats expect unquestionable submission and service from their owners. When the owners try to assert their rights, the cats swat at them with a paw.
As a notable guest in this category, we have Yuri Knorozov, a Soviet scholar known for deciphering Mayan script. I’m not entirely sure if he worked entirely remotely, but he surely did some work at home. The photo is just too expressive not to include!


Yes, I was surprised too. But two of my interlocutors mentioned that they have snakes. In one family, there were as many as four!
I don’t know what motivates people to bring snakes into their homes. If you know, please share in the comments!
Among celebrities, there were and are those who keep snakes. For example, Michael Jackson once posed for photos with his pet snake named Muscles.


Among my respondents, there weren’t any who keep turtles, but an internet search helped find some. A slow and steady animal. A wonderful pet.
Among notable people who worked remotely and kept turtles was Charles Darwin. Once, he brought a turtle named Harriet from the Galápagos Islands. While no photos of them together have survived, there are relatively recent pictures of Harriet. She lived to be 176 years old and passed away in 2006.

One might fairly assume that some remote workers have parrots, fish, hamsters, and pet mice, but without confirmation, I would rather not include them in the post. As soon as such confirmation appears, I’ll be happy to add it.
Many thanks to the “Remote Turtle” blog for the inspiration! Navigate to it and read the articles about the ways you can make your remote life better.
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[1] Image from the page “Dog Lovers Unite: See Hem below with his beloved Black Dog” on the “TheBlogAlsoRises” website